

  • Hot-Buttered Soft Pretzels (Bretzels)

    by Audrey

    With Oktoberfest celebrations nearly upon us, behold these Alsatian classics: hot buttered soft pretzels! Or, should I say, Bretzels – as that’s how you’ll find them called in Alsace. These salt-topped chewy twists are one of the most iconic culinary treats of the region (if not the treat!). Now, if you live in Alsace, you may not find the point in making homemade pretzels, as they can literally be found in any food market, bakery and even “bretzellerie” (street shops devoted to making and selling only bretzels).

Pardon your French

Let’s bring French flavors to your kitchen! I share uncomplicated and classic recipes, lesser-known regional dishes and a few modern takes. Making French cooking easy, approachable and cliché-free is my priority.