

  • Roasted Hazelnut Financiers

    by Audrey

    While classic French financiers are typically made from ground almonds, these Roasted Hazelnut Financiers are made from – you guessed it – roasted hazelnuts, to help provide bolder flavors. This variation on these iconic French bite-sized cakes is a favorite of mine for its perfectly-matched notes of nutty brown butter and rich, toasty hazelnuts. These financiers are quick and easy to make, incredibly delicious and the perfect treats to ease into Fall baking.

  • Mardi’s Raspberry Financiers

    by Audrey

    Financiers are one of my favourite French bakery treats. They’re nutty, buttery, dainty, delicious, and come in so many various shapes and flavours (which gives you a good excuse for testing every new one that comes your way). Speaking of which, I am excited to be sharing with you today, Mardi Michel’s recipe for raspberry financiers, from her debut cookbook In the French Kitchen with Kids: Easy, Everyday Dishes for the Whole Family to Make and Enjoy. And I am telling you right now, these are some of the best …

Pardon your French

Let’s bring French flavors to your kitchen! I share uncomplicated and classic recipes, lesser-known regional dishes and a few modern takes. Making French cooking easy, approachable and cliché-free is my priority.

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