Also called “quince cheese” (maybe because it’s so delicious paired with cheese?), Quince Pâte De Fruit is one of the famous 13 desserts, traditionally served to end Christmas supper in Provence, France. It is such a dainty little treat to enjoy on its own or with some crackers and a slice of cheese (but if you want to enjoy it with some cheese, I would recommend you do not coat it in sugar.)
Quince is often referred to as a forgotten fruit, but this recipe is one you won’t forget anytime soon… It is a perfect way to make use of this delicious Fall fruit and enjoy it all winter long.
Cooking notes:
- 10 days of drying for this Quince Pâte de Fruit might seem excessive, but it is essential to reach an optimum texture, for the flavours to fully develop and for the color to become a beautiful, deep orange.

If you try this Quince Pâte De Fruit let me know! Leave a comment or share a photo on Instagram tagging @pardonyourfrench or using #pardonyourfrench. I’d love to see what you come up with.
Bon Appétit!
How long will the quince pate de fruit keep after setting and cutting?
Hi Margaret. The best way to keep quince pate is wrapped in plastic film and in an airtight container. I often keep it for up to 1 month; some websites indicate 2 months, but with homemade pate I think 1 month is safer. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Merci pour cette superbe recette de pate de coing. J’adore les coings et je les prepare d’autres manieres, mais j’essaillerais celle ci en Septembre/ Octobre. J’ai vu d’autres recettes que j’aimerais et je reviendrais sur votre site. Merci encore pour le partage 🙂 Liliane
De rien, Liliane! I hope you’ll enjoy the recipe (as well as the others!). Feel free to ask any questions or leave a review if/when you get a chance to try something. Appreciate the support 🙂